My Fall Family Pictures

One of the hardest things most photographers deal with is actually getting a full family picture that includes YOU (you know, the actual photographer?). This fall we went to a pumpkin patch with my parents and I was determined to get an updated fall image. In order to do this I have to hand over my camera to my mom and hope for the best. After making all the setting adjustments, and positioning my family, I slowly handed the camera over to my mom. First thing she asks me? “Where do I look, and what button do I push?” OK, so maybe that was two things.

Oh boy.

I explained it (again), ran over to my family and told her to start snapping. She must have taken 25 pictures. She even kept snapping when I got up to go over to her and take my camera back (I have serious camera anxiety when someone else is holding it -all I saw was her dropping it). Talk about snap happy. BUT, she captured a nice image and that was all I could hope for.


Then it was just time for fun at the pumpkin patch!






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