Playing with Macro | Lehigh Valley PA Child and Family Photographer

Since we just can’t stop getting winter weather up here in the Lehigh Valley I’ve been doing everything I can to make the best of it. My kids are over going outside to model for me so I decided to use objects that wouldn’t give me as much back-talk as my darling children. After about 5mins of trying to get pictures of snowflakes I almost preferred the fighting 4yr old and 7yr old. Since I don’t own a proper macro lens (may consider it now though), I pulled out my macro tube extenders. These serve the purpose I have when it comes to macro photography (which is to say, not that much), but they are definitely not the correct medium to use for say, snowflakes. But I didn’t give up. I think my husband was thoroughly enjoying himself watching me mutter and keep trying all day.


All day.

But eventually I did get acceptable images. Not great, but acceptable. And still pretty cool when you think about how TINY these little guys are. 🙂

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Two days later we had a nice ice storm which officially made roads an ice skating rink. I went out to take some cool macros of the ice.
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Thank you for stopping by! If you like what you see, be sure to like Teresa G Photography on Facebook
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One Response to “Playing with Macro | Lehigh Valley PA Child and Family Photographer”

  1. Dannielle says:

    I’ve gotta get me macro tube extention! I’ve been reversing my 50mm and OMGOSH you have to be so still! Great job here! Cheers to is both getting a macro lens soon!:)

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